Travelling to School
Ideally, we'd love all our children to come by foot. Not only is this good exercise, it's also good for the environment. A double win! However, we do understand that parents who live outside the village and those with particular working hours may well have constraints that stop this from happening.
Where that is so, we encourage, as much as is possible, parents to "Park and Stride." There are a number of parking areas close to the school.
If the car really is the only possible way of travelling, please do consider "Car Pooling". If you live close to another family, it might be that you can share travel with the children, adults or both.
To help support with the management of traffic around the area, we have our Early Birds breakfast club from 8am Monday-Friday. The Pre-School have an after school club that runs until 6pm Monday-Thursday. We also have a number of extra curricular clubs that help to mitigate busy times.
A typical school day
Early Birds and extra curricular clubs - 7:50am
Rolling start to school day - 8:45-9am
End of the school day - 3:30pm
End of school clubs - 4:15 or 4:30pm depending on the club
End of Pre-School after school club - 6pm Monday-Thursday
Travel Survey Results
At our September 2024 Hands Up Travel Survey, we found the main means that children come to school:
Method of Travel | Percentage |
Walk | 22 |
Park and Stride | 28 |
Car | 45 |
Bike/Scooter | 5 |
We encourage independence as much as possible. From Year 4, parents can opt to give permission for their child to be released independently at the end of the day. Parents can then choose where they wish to meet their child - either literally in front of the school, at the Village Hall car park or, if they've assessed the risk appropriately, all the way home on their own.
Under no circumstances are parents permitted to park in the car park. This poses a risk to pupils who are on site. Furthermore, the car park does not belong to the school and it is not in our gift to allow parking there. We appreciate that parking on Spinney Lane would be an attractive option for parents who wish to get away quickly in the mornings and after school. However, this creates congestion outside of the school and increases risk for our pupils.