Aspley Guise Village School

Aspley Guise Village School

Growing Together, Aiming High

Extra Curricular Provision

At Aspley Guise we pride ourselves on our extra curricular clubs. Not only do we have a number of activities provided by outside professional organisations, we also have a number of clubs run by school staff. 

Attendance at school run activities can be booked via SchoolMoney. We charge a small fee to enable us to purchase the required equipment. However, ability to pay is not a barrier to attendance and, if you require any support in this regard, contact the office in confidence.

All school run clubs will commence week beginning Monday 9th September 2024 and finish week ending Friday 13th December 2024. For non-school run clubs, please see individual organisation's timetables. 

Autumn 2024 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 

Before School



with Christina Marks School of Performing Arts

All year groups


with Mrs Kirby

Yr 2 - 4



Tatty Bumpkin

All year groups

Tag Rugby  


Sporty Scholars

Yr 1-4



with Ritschel Sewing Workshops 

Yr 1-4 



Mrs Baldwyn

Yr 1-4




Gardening Club

with Miss Greaves

Yr 3 & 4




After School until 4:15pm unless otherwise stated

Arts & Crafts


Miss Kinns & Mrs Gray

Yr 1 & 2



with the London Ballet Company

All year groups


Click HERE to book




Miss Dorrance

Yr 3 & 4




Cookery with

Smart Raspberry

 Yr 1-4

Finishes 4.30pm


Click HERE to book










External providers 


Arts & Crafts: Colour, Craft and Creation.

Boomwhackers: These are a fantastic way to work as a group to create a piece of music.  If you have no idea what they are, give it a Google - it's going to be great fun!

Choir: Connect with others through music and song. Together, we will enjoy singing a wide variety of songs from a range of musical styles and cultures.  Discover more music making skills, vocal techniques and performance opportunities.

Gardening: Come along to our Gardening Club and grow some fruit and vegetables at school.

Micro:bit: The BBC micro:bit is a tiny pocket sized computer.  We will use block coding to  make fun, simple projects (eg a rock, paper, scissors game). Children will have the opportunity to design and code their own project!  Join this fun Micro:bit coding club and you'll be amazed at what you can create!


External Providers 

All organisations running clubs in the school comply with the school safeguarding arrangements. These clubs can be booked by following the appropriate links below: